UConn Resources
There many University offices that serve current UConn Pharmacy students and provide tailored resources and support succeed during their time with us and as alumni. Our Center's recommended resources are below.
Academic Resources
Academic Calendar
UConn Academic Calendar
The Academic Calendar is located on the Registrar's website. It contains important dates for the academic year, including the deadlines for the adding and dropping period, putting classes on pass/fail, and withdrawing from courses.
Academic Achievement & Support
Academic Achievement Center (AAC)
The Academic Achievement Center is designed to help students achieve their goals by creating a personal network of support at the University. They provide holistic support and strategic academic counseling through one-on-one mentorship, workshops and programs, supplemental instruction, and more.
Academic Center for Exploratory Students (ACES)
The Academic Center for Exploratory Students is UConn’s academic advising program for students who want to explore the University’s academic opportunities before deciding on a field of study and for students who must complete specific requirements before applying to an application-based major.
First Year Experience (FYE)
The First Year Experience Program offers courses and services that foster student success, development, transition, and leadership.
Learning Communities (LC)
UConn's Learning Community Program provides cohorts of students with opportunities to investigate areas of interest, either based on their major or an interdisciplinary topic, through guided courses and co-curricular activities.
Academic Tools
Nexus Advising Notes
The Pharmacy Advising Center uses Nexus to post degree audit notes for students. Notes can be accessed after you login.
Nexus GPA Calculators
UConn provides GPA calculators for student use on Nexus. These calculators can can be accessed after you login.
One Stop Student Services, Bursar & Financial Aid
One Stop Student Services
One Stop Student Services is part of the Division of Student Life and Enrollment. If you have questions about registration, financial aid, and undergraduate admission, they are your one stop shop for questions.
Office of the Bursar
The Office of the Bursar is part of the Office of the Associate Vice President of Financial Operations and Controller.If you have questions about tuition, fees, payments, refunds, and other related questions, please visit their site.
Office of Student Financial Aid Services
The Office of Student Financial Aid Services is part of the Division of Student Life and Enrollment. If you have questions about your financial aid package or how to finance your education, please visit their site.
Honors & University Scholar Programs
Honors Program
Honors students participate in enriching academics and a supportive community, while also enjoying the research, cultural, and athletic opportunities of a major research university. Through the Honors Program, students receive an education where they engage in exploration, creativity, and leadership opportunities.
University Scholars Program
Open to undergraduate students from all of the University's schools and colleges, the University Scholar Program allows students to design and pursue an in-depth research or creative project and to craft a learning plan that supports their interests and academic goals during their final three semesters.
Education Abroad
Office of Experiential Global Learning (EGL)
The Office of Experiential Global Learning manages education abroad opportunities. Our experiential global learning programs are designed by faculty, practitioners, and community leaders, these programs provide students with collaborative opportunities to learn and practice knowledge and critical understanding, skills, values, and attitudes on intercultural competencies in a global context, whether they are delivered virtually, locally or internationally.
Tutoring Services
Quantitative (Q) Center
The University of Connecticut’s Quantitative Learning Center (Q Center) is a resource to elevate the proficiency of students taking quantitative intensive (Q) courses across the undergraduate curriculum. The Q-Center provides peer tutoring, review sessions, and innovative learning tools.
Writing Center
The Writing Center is committed to critical inquiry and research. The Writing Center provides free tutoring and writing workshops designed to help students become stronger writers.
School & Departmental Tutoring
Student Life Resources
Dean of Students
Dean of Students Office
The Dean of Students Office serves as an advocate for students and connects students with appropriate University and community resources to help students navigate challenges that sometimes arise during their college experience.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging
Asian American Cultural Center (AsACC)
The Asian American Cultural Center provides resources to enhance the University’s diversity commitment through its recruitment and retention efforts, teaching, service, and outreach to the Asian American community on campus and beyond.
H. Fred Simons African American Cultural Center (AACC)
The African American Cultural Center promotes cultural preservation, leadership development, academic excellence, and intercultural communication through programs and activities that are designed to give students an appreciation and an understanding of the heritage and cultural experiences of African Americans and people of African descent in the United States and throughout the world.
Middle Eastern Cultural Programs (MECP)
Middle Eastern Cultural Programs strives to foster connections between students, promote the education of Middle Eastern culture, celebrate the intersectionality of identities, and advocate for the professional development of students
Native American Cultural Programs (NACP)
Native American Cultural Programs is here to serve UConn’s Native and Indigenous students while educating our surrounding UConn community on our histories, cultures, traditional ways of life & more.
Office for Diversity and Inclusion (ODI)
The Office for Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) is committed to creating, supporting, and sustaining a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and justice-oriented environment (DEIJ) that empowers every individual and group in our community to reach their full potential. We strive to create an environment that fosters full participation and belonging for all – especially historically excluded and racially oppressed populations both nationally and globally.
Office of Institutional Equity (OIE)
The Office of Institutional Equity ensures the University’s commitment to diversity, multiculturalism, and social equity in teaching, research, outreach, and administration.
Puerto Rican/Latin American Cultural Center (PRLACC)
The Puerto Rican/Latin American Cultural Center’s mission is to improve the status of Latinx individuals and to promote awareness, understanding, and appreciation of the richness and diversity of Latinx individuals and Latin American cultures.
Rainbow Center
The Rainbow Center is committed to serving the LGBTQIA+ community, promoting education and healthy dialogue, and reducing the alienation and bias felt within the LGBTQIA+ community.
Women’s Center
The mission of the Women’s Center is to advocate, educate, and provide support services for the achievement of gender equity at the University and within the community at large.
First Generation Students
First Generation UConn
First Generation UConn serves as a resource hub for first generation students at UConn. Their website provides information on campus partners, academic services, clubs and activities, and more.
Health, Wellness, & Care Services
Psychological Services Clinic
The Psychological Services Clinic offers an array of mental health services to individuals, children, and families in Eastern Connecticut. Services are provided by graduate students under the supervision of licensed clinical psychologists and faculty members in the Department of Psychological Sciences.
Student Health and Wellness - Mental Health
Student Health and Wellness - Mental Health is part of the Division of Student Affairs. It's mission is to provide the highest quality clinical services to promote the emotional, relational, and academic potential of all students. They offer a wide variety of resources, including crisis services, meditation and stress relief, therapy, and psychiatric services.
Student Health and Wellness - Medical Care
Student Health and Wellness - Medical Care is a center that provides quality care and services tailored to the unique and diverse needs of students in higher education. The Center offers walk-in triage and care, primary care, mental health services, nutrition services, specialty clinics, inpatient care, and much more.
Living at UConn
Living/Learning Communities
Faculty-led Living/Learning Communities provide first- & second-year students an opportunity to live together on one or more floors in a Residence Hall, take LC-themed course(s), and engage in activities together on the UConn Storrs campus. Each LC is lead by a team that includes peer mentors to support transition to college.
Off-Campus and Commuter Student Services
Part of the Dean of Students Office, Off-Campus and Commuter Student Services serves as an advocate for students and centralized resource for off-campus living.
Residential Life
UConn Residential Life enhances students' personal, interpersonal, and intellectual growth by creating safe and inclusive environments, innovative programs, and meaningful relationships. For questions and concerns about your housing at UConn, please visit their site.
Military-Affiliated Students
Veterans and Military Programs
The Veterans and Military Programs is part of the Division of Student Life and Enrollment. This office serves the veteran community at UConn, and their services include benefits processing, event programming, and community outreach. They provide multiple spaces for military-affiliated students, including the Veterans Oasis, which is located in the Student Union, and a study space for veterans in the Arjona building.
Students with Disabilities
Center for Students with Disabilities
The Center for Students with Disabilities seeks to accommodate students with documented disabilities to allow them equal access in their educational endeavors.
Undocumented Students
Undocumented Student Resources
The University of Connecticut strives to perpetuate an environment in which all students have the necessary resources and opportunities to be successful academically, socially, and professionally regardless of their citizenship status. Our mission is to ensure that undocumented individuals have the support and reassurance of being able to pursue their goals of higher education; from the admissions process to navigating through campus.