Pharmacy Ambassadors at the Class of 2027 P1 Orientation.

Pharmacy Ambassadors

About the Ambassadors

The School of Pharmacy Ambassadors embody the spirit of UConn Pharmacy and represent the school to a variety of audiences including prospective and current students, alumni, donors, and others interested in the school. Ambassadors become knowledgeable about many aspects of the school in order to assist with recruiting, student, alumni, and outreach events. In essence, they are the “face” of the School of Pharmacy and, as such, become advocates for the school, its programs, and its students.

Ambassadors work closely with the School of Pharmacy’s Office of Admissions and Student Affairs and the Office of Marketing and Communications to carry out their responsibilities. Students accepted into the Ambassador Program are required to work a set number of hours per semester (up to 45 hours), which may include on-site or off-site duties as well as some weekend and evening hours.

Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: participating in all required training and meetings; weekday tours; greeting students and their families visiting campus; participation in event preparation, volunteering on student panels; meeting with alumni, donors, and guests of the school; facilitating contact with prospective students; answering questions generated from the School of Pharmacy website, and making phone calls to prospective students.

School of Pharmacy Ambassadors receive independent study credit for each semester that they participate fully as an ambassador.

Application Process and Program Requirements

Application Process

Pharmacy ambassadors are chosen through a process that begins with the submission of the online application. Candidates must be students in the Professional (Pharm.D.) Program, in good academic standing, have at least two semesters remaining on the Storrs campus, and be willing to fulfill the requirements. The number of applicants accepted is dependent on the number of vacant positions each semester.

Program Requirements

Student ambassadors must fulfill a set number of hours of service from the list of events below.

Required events (mandatory for all ambassadors to attend)

  • Ambassador orientation (February)
  • Monthly ambassador meetings 
  • 2 UConn Open Houses with School of Pharmacy presentations (1 weekend day spring and 1 fall)
  • 2 UConn Bound Day Expos - tabling in Gampel Pavilion (2 weekend days spring 2 fall - 2 hours each)
  • 1 calling night (weeknight spring)

Additional events (may or may not happen every year or semester)

  • PBB building tours for pre-professional, prospective, and interviewing students 
  • Giving presentations and tabling at careers fairs (on campus, at satellite campuses, and at various high/middle schools)
  • Assistance with pre-professional application workshops 
  • Support open office hours for pre-professional students
  • Meeting with prospective students
  • New England Pharmacists Convention
  • Connecticut Pharmacists Mid-Winter meeting
  • Pharmacy Day at the Capitol
  • Admissions interviews
  • Advisory Board Meetings (2 annually)
  • Alumni events

Pharmacy Ambassador Application

Applications for the Pharmacy Student Ambassadors are currently closed.