Professional Student Orientation
Please review all sections of this page prior to your Orientation visit. If you are looking for general UConn Orientation information, please visit the UConn Orientation website. If you have questions or concerns following review of this page, please contact us.
Pre-Orientation Checklist
Please make sure to complete all the items on the checklist a minimum of 48 hours prior to your scheduled Orientation session. This will ensure the most up-to-date information is available for our advisors to prepare to meet with you.
Setup and Check UConn Email Daily
Be sure to check your UConn email daily! UConn email is the official way we will contact you - now is the time to get organized. Make folders, remove junk, and flag and save important messages.
For instructions on how to setup your UConn email visit UConn's IT Knowledge Base for step-by-step help.
Review Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Guidelines
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act prohibits advisors from sharing information or discussing your educational records with anyone but you. Please review the information located on the UConn FERPA website to help you navigate your student privacy rights.
Please note that students attending in person Orientation will not be allowed to bring guests to their advising and registration sessions.
Check your Student Account for Holds
There are multiple holds that could be on your account, and possibly prevent you from being able to register for classes. Visit UConn's IT Knowledge Base for step-by-step help.
Common Types of Holds
- Orientation Hold: All new students will have this hold prior to meeting with their advisor. The hold will be lifted on the day of your scheduled advising time.
- SF Responsibility Agreement: All students need to complete this agreement each fall semester through their To-Do List on Student Admin. Visit UConn's IT Knowledge Base for step-by-step help.
- Bursar's Hold: If you owe a balance of more than $100 on your fee bill you may have a hold from the Bursar's Office. You will need to pay the balance or work out a plan with the Bursar's office before registering.
- Transcript Hold: If you owe less than $100 to the Bursar's office you may have a transcript hold, preventing you from receiving a copy of your transcript. This will not affect enrollment.
- Invalid SSN/Name: This is not an actual hold, but rather an indicator that the Bursar's office has invalid or missing information. This will not affect enrollment, but we do recommend following the instructions listed in the details of the hold to update your information.
- Student Health and Wellness (SHaW): Check for immunization holds, as well as AlcoholEDU and Student Health History form!
Additional Information for Professional Students
Please review the additional information before coming for Orientation. Not all additional information may apply to all professional students.
P1 Welcome Folder
If you have not done so, please review the P1 Welcome Folder and complete the required action items as soon as possible. It is important that you initiate your background screening promptly as it may take several weeks for the service to process and complete the background screening.
Professional students do not have to take the placement exams for English or Chemistry. Those who wish to take Calculus II or higher at UConn for use as professional electives must take the Mathematics Placement Exam (MPE), as students must earn qualifying scores in order to register for MATH 1132Q (Calculus II). Those not wishing to take courses above Calculus I at UConn do not need to take the MPE. The Math Placement Exam is completed online through Stemify.
- A minimum score of 22 is required for placement in MATH 1132Q (Calculus II)
Students have a maximum of three attempts per semester to achieve the required score. If you do not achieve a qualifying score after the first attempt, we STRONGLY encourage you to review the learning modules before re-taking the assessment.
AP Credit
Professional students who need to or would like to use AP credit toward prerequisite courses, professional electives, or total credit requirements must send their scores directly from the College Board to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. To receive AP academic credit at UConn you must earn a 4 or 5 on your AP exam, with the exception of MATH BC where a 3 is accepted.
- AP credit may transfer in as a specific UConn course, or as generic credit (ex. Art/Studio 1000 level).
- AP courses do not transfer with a grade, and therefore do not affect your UConn GPA.
During Your Orientation Visit
We are excited to welcome you to campus! During your visit, you will meet in a small group with an advisor, Orientation leader, Pharmacy Student Peer Advisors, and other incoming students. You will work with an Orientation leader or Peer Advisor to register for the required courses for the first semester in the professional program (P1 Fall). You will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with an academic advisor during the registration block to answer any questions or concerns. Please review the Student Administration tutorial included in the Orientation module prior to your registration session to familiarize yourself with the system.
Your advising appointment is also a great time to ask any questions you may have related to transfer credits, PharmD curriculum, and anything else you can think of. Make sure to jot questions down and come prepared with a notebook and pen.