UConn University-Wide Forms
Additional Degree Petition
An additional degree allows students to complete majors in two different schools or colleges. To declare a dual degree, students must acquire an Additional Degree Petition Form from the Registrar's Office and get the approval via Pharmacy Advising Center Staff.
Pass/Fail Grading
Students who wish to place a class on pass/fail option during a regular fall or spring semester must do so by completing a Student Enrollment Request Form (SERF), selecting the options for Pass/Fail grading, on the Registrar’s Office website by the deadline found on the Academic Calendar. These dates are different during summer/winter sessions, so make sure to review the Office of Summer and Winter Programs site for additional information.
Courses placed on pass/fail option may not be used to meet major, minor or general education requirements. Students must get permission from their advisor to place a class on pass/fail. Students placing more than one course on pass/fail in a single term must also receive permission from a Dean's Designee in the Pharmacy Advising Center.
Permission to Repeat a Course for a Third Time
Students who wish to repeat a course for a third time may do so with permission from the instructor and their advisor. Students must submit a Student Enrollment Request Form (SERF) to the Registrar's Office. Please note that if a student repeats and fails a course that they previously passed, it can result in loss of credit.
Late Course Addition & Withdrawal
Students who wish to add a class between the 10th day and 4th week of the semester or withdraw from a class after the 10th day but before the 9th week of the semester must complete a Student Enrollment Request Form (SERF) through the Registrar's Office. Please be aware of deadlines available on the Academic Calendar.
Students adding a class between the 10th day and 4th week of the term need the permission of the instructor, their advisor, and the head of the department in which the course is taught. To withdraw from a class anytime between the 10th day and the 9th week of the semester, students need approval from their advisor. Students who wish to drop two courses or more must also get permission from a Dean's Designee in the Pharmacy Advising Center.
School of Pharmacy Forms
Ambassadors Application
Applications for the Pharmacy Student Ambassadors are currently closed.
Peer Advisors Application
Applications for the Pharmacy Peer Advisors are currently closed.
Student Organization Event & Space Request
Student Organization Event & Space Request Form
"*" indicates required fields
School of Pharmacy Shadowing Request
School of Pharmacy Shadowing Request Form
Major Change to Pharmacy Studies, Pre-Professional Program
Major Change Request to Pharmacy Studies, Pre-Professional Program
Major Change Request to Pharmacy Studies, Pre-Professional Program
Pharmacy Studies, Pre-Professional Program Progression Transition Appeal
Pharmacy Studies, Pre-Professional Program Progression Transition Appeal Form
Pharmacy Studies, Pre-Professional Program Progression Transition Appeal Form
Professional Electives Approval Request Form
School of Pharmacy Professional Electives Approval Request Form
PHRX 3099: Independent Study/Research
Students wishing to complete a PHRX 3099: Independent Study or Research course must complete a Student Enrollment Request Form (SERF) through the Registrar's Office. PHRX 3099s must be approved by the appropriate Advisor, Department Head, and Dean's Designee in the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs should the course put you over 21 credits in a semester.
Students must enter the correct information into the SERF for it to be approved. Incorrect forms will be denied.
Steps for a Successful SERF
- Communication and agreement with the appropriate faculty and/or staff member to arrange for the PHRX 3099 prior to completing the form.
- Look up the appropriate section of PHRX 3099 for the SERF. This information can be obtained by going to the Dynamic Class Search in Student Admin, searching for PHRX 3099, and locating the appropriate instructor. Each instructor will have two sections, an Honors and non-Honors section. Only Honors students should use the Honors section. Clicking on the course number will allow you to determine if it is an Honors or non-Honors section:
- Undergraduate students (Pre-Professionals, P1s, and P2s who have not earned a BS in Pharmacy Studies) should choose the career undergraduate in the BS in Pharmacy Studies. Pharm.D. students (P3 and P4) should choose Pharm.D.
- PHRX 3099 is an undergraduate course, and should be labeled undergraduate regardless of the level of the student.
- Students who are doing a PHRX 3099 through a specific program in service to the School of Pharmacy (Ambassadors, Peer Advisors) can put Lyn or Megan as the advisor. Research-focused PHRX 3099s must go through your faculty advisor unless otherwise directed.