Pre-Professional Policies
The University of Connecticut and the School of Pharmacy have academic regulations that all pharmacy students must follow. By accepting admission, students assume responsibility for knowing and complying with the regulations and procedures set forth by the University. Make sure to review the University academic regulations and student code of conduct, in addition to the below policies that are specific to Pre-Professional students.
Major Change Process for Pharmacy Studies, Pre-Professional Program
First-Year, First-Semester Major Changes
First-year incoming students not admitted directly to the Pharmacy Studies, Pre-Professional major upon admission to UConn may request a change to the major during their first semester at UConn. The deadline to declare the major change is the last day of semester classes (not finals) of the student’s first semester of attendance. Students wishing to change their major must meet with a pharmacy advisor (or regional campus advisor) and submit the major change form on the School of Pharmacy’s website.
Continuing Undergraduate and Incoming Transfer Student Major Changes
Continuing undergraduates and incoming transfer students enrolled at any UConn campus may apply to the Pharmacy Studies, Pre-Professional major when they have met the following requirements:
- Be in good academic standing with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher and not on academic warning, probation, or eligible for dismissal.
- Completion of two pre-professional STEM prerequisite courses in two different departments (or their equivalents) in a single semester, earning a grade of C or higher in both. Students choosing to enroll in more than 2 STEM prerequisite courses in a single semester must earn a C or higher in each STEM course.
- BIOL 1107
- CHEM 1127Q (or CHEM 1124Q and 1125Q)
- CHEM 1128Q (or CHEM 1126Q)
- MATH 1131Q
- PHYS 1201Q
- CHEM 2443
- CHEM 2444
- MCB 2610
- MCB 2000 or MCB 3010
- PNB 2264 or 2774
- PNB 2265 or 2775 & 2776
- Have multiple semesters of the above listed prerequisite courses remaining to complete prior to applying to the Professional (Pharm.D.) program. Students who are in the process of applying via PharmCAS should remain in their declared major.
Students wishing to change their major must meet with a pharmacy advisor (or regional campus advisor) and submit the major change form and unofficial transcript(s) from any non-UConn institution(s) (if applicable) on the School of Pharmacy’s website. Major change applications for continuing undergraduate and incoming transfer students are accepted on a rolling basis.
**Note: The School of Pharmacy allows application to the Professional Program in Pharmacy from any major. Students do not need to be declared as a Pharmacy Studies, Pre-Professional major to apply to the Professional (Pharm.D.) Program in PharmCAS.**
Progression Requirements for the Pharmacy Studies, Pre-Professional Major
The Pharmacy Studies, Pre-Professional major is designed as the pathway to transition enrolled UConn undergraduate students into the professional Pharm.D. program. Students must be admitted to the professional program to complete the undergraduate B.S. degree in Pharmacy Studies. There is not a pathway to complete an undergraduate degree in the School of Pharmacy from the Pharmacy Studies, Pre-Professional major without applying and being admitted to the professional Pharm.D. program.
Students will be subject to transition out of the Pharmacy Studies, Pre-Professional major and into the Academic Center for Exploratory Students (ACES) under any of the following circumstances:
- Failure to register for two or more pharmacy STEM prerequisite courses in a given semester*
- Progression to any higher level required chemistry (CHEM) prerequisite course without a grade of C- or higher in the course’s prerequisite
- Students who have a combined math/science prerequisite GPA of less than 2.5 in the following required courses (or their equivalents): BIOL 1107, CHEM 1127Q, CHEM 1128Q (or CHEM 1124Q, CHEM 1125Q, and CHEM 1126Q), MATH 1131Q, PHYS 1201Q, CHEM 2443, MCB 2610, and PNB 2264, 2274, or 2774
- Failure to apply or successfully gain acceptance to the professional Pharm.D. program after three years or six semesters (fall and spring only) in the Pharmacy Studies, Pre-Professional major
- Failure to apply or successfully gain acceptance to the professional Pharm.D. program by the time the student has earned 90 credits (transfer or major change students)
- Subject to university academic dismissal
Students will be notified in advance of potential transition to ACES and will have an opportunity to appeal the decision to the School of Pharmacy’s Associate Dean of Admissions and Student Affairs. Appeal deadlines will be consistent with University of Connecticut’s timelines and processes.
* Students who choose to take or whose placement exams direct them to take three years to complete the prerequisite courses and otherwise meet progression requirements will not be subject to transition for failure to register for two or more pharmacy STEM prerequisite courses in a given semester.
* Students who are out of sequence or have special circumstances approved by the School of Pharmacy and otherwise meet progression requirements will not be subject to transition for failure to register for two or more pharmacy STEM prerequisite courses in a given semester.
* Students who have documented issues with registering for required prerequisite courses beyond their control and otherwise meet progression requirements will not be subject to transition for failure to register for two or more pharmacy STEM prerequisite courses in a given semester.